My ghost upgrade script

最后的最后,还是写了一个: 一行命令就升级ghost的脚本(包括:ghost升级、google font cdn优化、首页摘要显示优化、logo优化、首页图片显示优化、prism高亮code、disqus评论)。


io page

####Environment before using:

  1. Ubuntu 14.04 (or similar)
  2. ghost0.5.x
  3. npm/nodejs/forever

####How to use:

  1. clone to folder-of-code
  2. add executable permission to and like this: chmod a+x folder-of-code/*.sh
  3. change folder-of-ghost in to actual ghost folder
  4. If you need comments (Disqus only), upgrade like this: folder-of-code/ folder-of-ghost folder-of-code Disqus_forum_shortname, otherwise: folder-of-code/ folder-of-ghost folder-of-code
  5. Waiting…

LOL~ Enjoy your ghost~

####What’s doing:

step1: stop ghost

step2-5: download latest ghost and install(

step6: (If you’re out of China, please ignore/comment this step.) 针对国内google fonts被墙,导致访问性能极差做的优化(使用360的cdn)。

step7: show content rather than excerpt @index

step8: make logo looks better,and limit index image width

step9: use prism to highlight syntax

step10: add disqus comment(,

step11: restart ghost

That’s all~